Our Writers on Twitter
Without Twitter Skirts and Scuffs would have never gotten off the ground. Most, if not all of our writers maintain personal twitter accounts where they discuss NASCAR along with other assorted topics. Your can also find Skirts and Scuffs on Twitter. Below you will find the individual twitter accounts listed for each of our writers.
Be sure to follow them all and don't forget to check out Skirts and Scuffs on Twitter as well.
Katy Lindamood- @NASCARKaty
Gina Kelshaw - @tstewartluvr14
Lauren Shaw - @lollygaglaurenWhitney Richards - @Whit17_6
Melissa Bleier - @TheTrackGirl
Michelle Hauser - @kenseth_luv_17
Jennifer Eblin - @racingcupcake
Michelle Hauser - @kenseth_luv_17
Jennifer Eblin - @racingcupcake
Amanda Ebersole -@Roses050481
Janelle Jalbert - @SoCalMotorsports
Amanda Vincent @nascarexaminer
Jenna - @chnginglanes
Kiara Boal - @18kiara
Allison Coombs - @pitroadpressbox
Janelle Jalbert - @SoCalMotorsports
Amanda Vincent @nascarexaminer
Summer Dreyer - @SummerDreyer
Jen Preston - @jpreston43 Jenna - @chnginglanes
Kiara Boal - @18kiara
Our Writers on Twitter
Reviewed by Katy Lindamood
Thursday, October 29, 2009