Goodbye, Anne-Marie Rhodes!
Anne-Marie Rhodes (right) has ended her reign as Miss Sprint Cup. Anne-Marie posted a message to fans on the Miss Sprint Cup Facebook fan page saying that “the time has come for me to pursue new opportunities in my life.”
Anne-Marie has been the Miss Sprint Cup since 2007, working alongside fellow Miss Sprint Cup Monica Palumbo (left) since 2008. With the exception of a few races, Monica and Anne-Marie would rotate the races they attended.
Most people probably recognize both Anne-Marie and Monica as the girls who smile and nod their head behind the winner in victory lane every weekend. However, both of them had busy schedules during the 2009 season that involved meeting with fans at the Sprint Experience, interviewing drivers, doing radio and TV interviews, and even serving breakfast to the winning team the Monday after the race.
From all of the team here at Skirts and Scuffs: Anne-Marie, we will miss you!
Photo courtesty of NASCAR Media
Goodbye, Anne-Marie Rhodes!
Reviewed by Summer Dreyer
Tuesday, January 05, 2010