Spake Rings in the New Year with Birth of Twin Sons

NASCAR gained two new fans over the weekend when ESPN reporter Shannon Spake gave birth to twin sons. Spake, who worked throughout her pregnancy thanks to a specially designed uniform, made the announcement via Twitter on Sunday saying, 
@ShannonSpake: Proud to announce I am a mommy. Brady (4lb 9oz) and Liam (4lb 8oz) arrrived a little after 10pm on 1/1/10! Babies are doing great! Thank you
Skirts and Scuffs would like to send out our congratulations to Shannon and her husband Jerry McSorley on the birth of their sons.

photo: wikimedia
Spake Rings in the New Year with Birth of Twin Sons Spake Rings in the New Year with Birth of Twin Sons Reviewed by Katy Lindamood on Monday, January 04, 2010 Rating: 5