While You're in Las Vegas...Charity Poker Tournaments

Racing fans and poker players, take note: two charity poker tournaments benefiting two favorite foundations in NASCAR take place Thursday, February 25th in Las Vegas.
The Martin Truex Jr. Foundation's 2010 Poker Tournament will beheld at the Monte Carlo Resort and Casino. Registration runs from 8 a.m. to noon, with the tournament starting at noon. The tournament is limited to the first 150 registered; poker fees are $225 per player, plus a $100 re-buy fee at the table. Prizes are 1st place $3,000, 2nd place $2,000, 3rd place $1,500. 4th place $1,000, and 5th place $500. For more information, visit http://www.martintruexjrfoundation.org/.
The same day, beginning at 4 p.m., the Dale Earnhardt Foundation's Celebrity Poker Tournament takes place at the Stratosphere Theatre of the Stars Showroom. The event is being hosted by Kerry Earnhardt, and Kenny Wallace will be the Master of Ceremonies. Racing personalities scheduled to appear include Casey Mears, Regan Smith, Matt Crafton, Todd Bodine, and Tommy Baldwin Jr. The tournament is limited to 70 players, and the $150 entry fee is being donated to the Dale Earnhardt Foundation. Room packages are available at the Stratosphere, which include tickets to observe the tournament for a $20 donation; additional tickets are available at the door for a $30 donation, limited to 500 people. Grand prize in the tournament is $2,500, Dale Earnhardt souvenirs, and a one-year VIP account at iRacing.com. More information can be found at http://www.daleearnhardtinc.com/.
While You're in Las Vegas...Charity Poker Tournaments
Reviewed by Paula
Friday, February 19, 2010