Mother’s Day Through Our Eyes
Today the women of Skirts and Scuffs share their thoughts on being mothers and their feelings about their moms. We dedicate this post to our mothers who have helped mold us into the women we are today and to our children who challenge us daily to be the best we can for them.
Happy Mother’s Day to our readers!
Skirts and Scuffs Columnists and Contributors
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Skirts and Scuffs Columnist Lindi Bess and her mom |
Ours hasn't always been a relationship of quiet moments. We are in some ways so much alike that we often battled over some of the smallest things. If I'd known then what you would come to mean to me now, I wouldn't have been such a stubborn child. (Ya Right!)
It wasn't easy moving from town to town with dad's career. Sometimes I forget how hard it must have been on you as well. I think I only came to the realization of how important you and dad are to me when we lost Karen (my only sister). It was always the four of us. I have always held the highest admiration for you and dad. You both have always worked so hard to make our lives better.
Holidays and birthdays were always so memorable. But I think it was the time when I was giving birth to my first and only daughter that stands out the most. You were right there beside me and never left me. Come to think of it, you've always been right there beside me.
Whenever we need you, you are there for us. You're an amazing mom and grandma not too mention Great Grandma. I will always be thankful for having you by my side. Sometimes to say I love you isn't enough. You are the best mom in the world and Karen and I both were and are so very luck to have
you as our mom.
I love you Mom! Happy Mother's Day!
Your daughter, Lindi
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Skirts and Scuffs Contributor Amanda Bradeen and her mom Tammy |
What can I say to my twin. I couldn't ask for anyone better to have as my mommy. We are so much alike. It's great to have someone to talk to when needed and have that person to be able to laugh and joke around with as well. You're an inspiration to me and I don't know if I would've been able to make it in life without you. I'll never forget all the memories that we have shared and all the ones to come. Thanks mom for everything you do.
Love ya always and forever, Amanda (chunky tuna)
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Skirts and Scuffs Columnist Summer Dreyer and mom Tori |
I think it's safe to say we've had more than our share of racing adventures together. From our very first race together in the grandstands at Kansas Speedway back in 2008, to the Talladega weekend that we enjoyed so much just a few short weeks ago, I wouldn't trade any of the experiences we've had together for the world.
And I can't wait to start the next chapter.
As both of us continue our work in the racing industry, we've had many laughs, tears and frustrations. We've had moments where we feel on top of the world and moments where we feel the world is working against us. It's a part of life, but that doesn't always make it any easier. However, there isn't anyone in the world I'd rather be a part of all of this with and I wouldn't trade any of those moments--good or bad--for anything. They made us who we are, and neither of us should be ashamed of that.
I can't wait to see what happens in the coming months and years, and look forward to all the wonderful memories I know we will create together.
I love you very much and thank you for being so involved and supportive of an industry I love being a part of.
With love,
Your daughter Summer
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Skirts and Scuffs Contributor Molly Horn and her mom |
You are my rock, my hero, my everything. I know things haven't been easy the past 18 years, but I'm thankful for every moment we've had together. I love you more than life itself.
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Skirts and Scuffs Contributor Lacy Keyser and mom Brenda - pictured with sister Kelly |
Well Mom, what is there to say? I'm finally graduating high school - can you believe it, Mommy? I'm all grown up and it seems just yesterday I was crawling.
I love you mom. Thank you for giving me life and taking care of me always. I love you, Mommy.
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Skirts and Scuffs Contributor Holly Machuga and mom Lori |
Dear Mama,
I'm sure these last eighteen years haven't been the easiest, but they were worth it, right? I love you lots and I want to thank you for always being there for me, no matter what. You are the best mother that anyone could ever ask for.
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Skirts and Scuffs Columnist Amy McHargue and son Nic |
Being a mom to Nic is the single-most rewarding and single-most frustrating task of my life - often both at the same time. I love my son more than life itself and would give anything to ensure his happiness. Once I became a mom, I developed a better appreciation for the things my mom went through raising myself and my sister. I understand the worry, the joy and the pain that being a mom brings and why even at its toughest moments it is all worth it.
Happy Mother's Day to my Mom, and to all the mothers who are dedicated to their children before all else.
Happy Mother's Day to my Mom, and to all the mothers who are dedicated to their children before all else.
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Skirts and Scuffs Columnist Chief 187 (Candice Smith) and children ML 187, GS 187, and Rosie 187 |
My life began in earnest when I became a mother in 2002 with the birth of my son. He and I learned about our roles as mother and son together and formed a bond that will never be broken. In 2006 my husband and I welcomed a second son and he teaches me patience, a greater capacity to love, and wows me with his deep understanding and attention to details. Finally, in a quest for a third child, I was blessed with my daughter who arrived in 2009. She and I are both in tune and terrific together! My children bring me endless joy, daily wonders, a ton of frustration, and a passion I'd not encountered before their arrival. I feel so connected to my own mother who also had two sons and lastly a baby daughter. We are closer than ever before and I now know the great love she feels for my brothers and I. I am so proud and pleased to be in the sorority that is Motherhood. Happy Mother's Day to my mother and a thank you to my children for making every day Mother's Day.
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Skirts and Scuffs Columnist Melissa Wright's children Autumn and Tyler |
Tyler and Autumn are the treasures that lie deep within my chest. They make my heart golden. They know what it's like to feel my heart beating from the inside. Throughout their lives we've had times of hardship and tragedy but the blessings have been most rewarding. There hasn't been a single day that I haven't been proud of them and their accomplishments. From my daughter’s silly faces to my son’s amazing hugs, they complete my each and every day with the greatest words: I love you Mom.
Skirts and Scuffs Editing/Administrative Team
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Skirts and Scuffs Associate Editor Unique Hiram and her son Malcolm |
To my mom ... I love you more than words can express. Regardless of what we have been through, know that you have taught me how to be strong and stay true to myself even when the odds seem to be stacked against me. Keeping God first allows everything else to fall into place in its time and season.
Thank you awesome lady!
To my son ... I am proud to be your mom. You are the greatest gift that I could have ever asked for. Keep pressing and know that I love you with all my heart.
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Skirts and Scuffs Associate Editor Amanda Ebersole and her mom Kathy |
You have been my beacon of hope and guidance in life.
You have given me the examples that have led me to become the woman I am today.
We have been through some tough times, but that has only made our relationship stronger.
I will never forget the good times we have: vacations in Atlantic City, fighting to get to the bathroom cause we are laughing so hard. You holding my hand through every test, surgery and doctor appointment I have had. And most of all, you being there to celebrate the milestones in my life.
Thank you for being such a great mom. And never forget how much I love you.
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Skirts and Scuffs Lead Editor Rebecca Kivak and her mom Rita |
You have been there for me through thick and thin. You've always supported me through the highs and the lows. We've always been close, but when we both became interested in NASCAR, it gave us yet another way to bond. One of my favorite memories was last year during the June Pocono weekend, when we spontaneously went to an autograph session for one of your favorite drivers, Kurt Busch. It felt great to see him autograph the diecast of his racecar that I had given you for Mother's Day. The ultimate icing on the cake!
Your strength, kindness and resilience amaze me. You are the best mother I could ask for, and I thank God for you and your love.
Love always,
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Skirts and Scuffs Founder Katy Lindamood and her mom Kathy |
I know I haven't always been the perfect daughter and you haven't always agreed with my choices in life, but looking back I realize that everything you have ever done and said is because you only wanted the best for me. You supported three children and gave us the best childhood we could have asked for, and even when things were difficult, we never wanted for love. You taught us kindness, respect and to always give it your all when you do something. You gave us the support we needed when things were tough and were always there to pick up the pieces when life fell apart. You are truly a remarkable woman and the inspiration that guides me to make myself a better person each and every day. I love you more that I could ever tell you. Happy Mother's Day!
Love, Katy
Skirts and Scuffs would like to thank Columnist Lindi Bess for inspiring this post. We would like to wish all mothers a very special day! Thank you for all that you do.
Mother’s Day Through Our Eyes
Reviewed by Admin
Sunday, May 08, 2011